Celebrating on Champs Elysees Avenue
I love visiting Paris! It is a fantastic city that has something for everyone. The Champs-Élysées remains the place to be to celebrate New Year's Eve 2024. It’s a popular spot, over 300,000 people visit it every day and yes it’s crowded day and night. We heard there might be over a million people gather on Champs-Élysées in Paris to see fireworks this year. It is recommended to stay somewhere walking distance to the Champs-Élysées. If you want to see the new year's eve fireworks on the Champs-Elysées in person, you’ll have to arrive early (no later than 9pm) to snag the best spots. Also, from 5pm onwards, you should expect stations to close so be sure to get there early.
When the clock strikes 12 in the evening, splashes of bright colors shoot from the foot of the picturesque Arc de Triomphe. The fireworks show lasts for about 10 minutes. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or first time in Paris, experiencing New Year's Eve in Paris is an unforgettable adventure! This could be a fun ideas on your bucket list. 🙂
Champs-Élysées around 5pm

Crowd control barriers were set up everywhere

Champs-Elysées around 5pm
建議要來跨年倒數, 最好是訂在Champs-Élysées附近走路能抵達的酒店, 因為除夕當天很多條線路的地鐵到了下午5點前就停止營運, 然後路上很多地區主幹道又封路, 蠻混亂的, 如果太早進來, 可能只能在街上閒逛或者坐在餐廳裡等, 很多店也都蠻早關的, 我們是在酒店待到差不多9點左右再出去.
大約是5點左右的Champs-Élysées已經有許多人潮, 附近街道已有佈置防護柵欄, 我們下午5點多進去附近超市買東西, 因為元旦很多店都沒開, 5點半左右出來, 看到許多警車和警方人員抵達維持秩序, 已經進不去原先可以進去Champs-Élysées的街道, 警方要我們繞道而行, 如果一定要通過柵欄, 就必須出示酒店或者餐廳的預約.

Champs-Elysées around 9pm
我們9點出來酒店的時候, 街道上全都是大批人潮, 大家都在想辦法要進入Champs-Élysées, 每個街道的關卡都被警方用柵欄圍住, 這時連出示餐廳的預約警方都不給進, 超級frustrated, 因為人潮太多根本看不到前方, 來回走了差不多四、五條街後才發現, 原來有一個街口是可以進去的, 必須需要通過安檢, 但是因為入口街道完全沒有告示, 前面又擠了大批人潮根本看不到哪裡才能進去, 警方也不會和你說, 只是一味地讓我們走到最後面街道去, 等走到了最後面, 那裡的警察又說不能進入, 叫我們去前面
Crowds made their way into the event

From 9pm onwards the crowds began to pour in

France gets the party started | Huge crowds expected for Paris’s New Year’s Eve fireworks
進到香謝麗舍大街已經差不多10點左右, 據說現場大概有超過100多萬人, 法國這次出動了6000民警察和憲兵在場確保所有人的活動安全, 這時的位置已經在後半部, 但還是可以看到凱旋門, 每隔一段時間都會有投影放射, 現場有DJ放音樂, 時不時還漂著毛毛小雨,現場氣氛很嗨, 一場表演接著一場, 將能量維持在巔峰!
Great fireworks show of the Arc de Triomphe 煙火秀
今年2024的奧運會因為是在Paris舉行, 凱旋門上投影了許多和奧運有關的視覺藝術(聽說明年奧運Paris酒店價格已經平均一晚1000歐左右了!),差不多站到快3小時腿已經快斷掉, 終於到了跨年重頭戲倒數時間, 大家都引頸期盼一起倒數10,9,8, 7...1, 此時凱旋門上方的音樂煙火表演將活動推向高潮, 煙火設計非常有法國風格, 精緻中帶有優雅走浪漫路線會舞動的煙火,很驚艷!

Chaos to leave