We went to Au Crocodile for Christmas Eve dinner. Good location in the center of Strasbourg ( the restaurant is located on a pedestrian only street). This is one of the two best known restaurants of Strasbourg. Since lots restaurants closed during the Christmas holidays season, we came prepared. We made reservations several weeks in advance and were seated at a nice table in the main dining room with a beautiful Christmas tree in the center. When we entered the restaurant, the first impressions were great! Fine modern French decor with great paintings and carpet. The place is a refined mix of traditional and contemporary elegance. Unlike other popular restaurants, Au Crocodile has plenty of space per table. The tasting menu for Christmas was delicious throughout and beautifully presented. When the amuse bouché started to arrive, they were all beautifully balanced in texture taste and delightful to look at. The waiting staff explained every dish including where the ingredients were sourced. I was instantly inspired by the creative and colorful food coming out from the amazing kitchen. The chef successfully created delicious elaborations of the traditional Alsatian cuisine through highly innovative and the flavor combinations and effort in each course was phenomenal. We speak no French but were looked after so well by the staff. The service was formal and flawless. The staff went out of their way to make use feel special from the moment we arrived until the moment we departed. They somehow managed to do it in a professional, friendly, warm, and welcoming way. What a fantastic Christmas dinner! I highly recommend this restaurant and look forward to coming back. 🙂

Bread & Butter

Amuse Bouche

Ballottine de caille et foie gras

The first official course was foie gras. The foie gras was grated on top to create four gras snow, since it's Christmastime.
Lotte confite, Petits legumes au Caviar Imperial, Coulis de Crustaces

Noisette de cerf dorée, Sauce a l'infusion de feve de Tonka, Mousseline de Celeri et Poire pochee aux Airelles

Next came a fish course. This was poached with hazelnut, Tonka bean infusion sauce, celery and pears with cranberries. It was perfectly cooked!

Brie de Meaux aux Morilles et Marjolaine

Boule de neige aux saveurs Exotique Coco